- Install the entrance guard system in a computer, with the RS485 convertor technology, it could support monitoring ESD conditions of 256 turnstiles. 只需貴公司任何一臺電腦上安裝運行門禁管理軟件系統,通過採用RS485通訊技術,可以連接256台人體綜合測試設備(256翼閘通道),實時監測員工的防靜電要求是否達標。
- Stainless steel, transparent glasses are adopted for the gates. It designed with 5 groups Infrared inductionto close quickly and safely behind users after they have cleared the lane. 翼閘採用高強度不鏽鋼,擋板採用透明有機玻璃板. 翼閘帶防夾、報警功能, 並安裝有5組紅外感應探頭,感應人體通過時的情況。
- Automatically identify the identification and record their information such as employee ID, name, time etc. which can be generated as Excel format. Card reader can be set to match with customers exiting cards. 電腦實時記錄和顯示刷卡人員的靜電測試數據和身份識別資料,如工號、姓名、進出時間等,事件的數據,可生成Excel分析表格供管理者使用,讀卡器兼容貴公司的員工卡、無需擔擾重新發卡的問題。
- Two optional modes can be selected for the entrance guard system: with or without card reader (it will only work either of them). 翼閘軟件系統設有2種模式可供選擇:一種是需要刷卡,一種是不需刷卡。(注:在使用中只能有一種模式運行。)
- 4 optional modes for ESD guard system: 1. Free pass; 2. Wrist strap mode; 3. Foot ware mode; 4. Wrist strap+ footwear mode. These modes can be preset in software and can be automatically identified. 靜電測試系統設有4種模式可供選擇:1.自由通行模式 2.單卡識別(手腕帶模式) 3.單卡識別(雙腳模式) 4.單卡識別(手腕帶 + 雙腳) 。無需人工轉換,全部在軟件上設定,自動識別員工的權限。
- There are 3 LED display indicating test results with alarm function. 讀卡器上有3組LED實時顯示測試結果,一目瞭然,還有報警訊響。
A complete test can be done within 5 minutes, reliable and safe self-develop software. 軟件系統自主開發安全可靠,進行一個完整的測試不超過5秒鐘,方便快捷。